"A work of art reveals itself to each only in proportion to the value of his own mind,
not that of the artist."
Arthur Schopenhauer
About the artist
« I feel free among my works, because I can be exposed personally without being exposed. I deposit in my works what is sometimes too heavy to carry; I breathe into it pieces of my life and make them my allies. »
It is with modesty that the artist expresses himself and it is through his work that he best expresses himself.
Artistic expression is his preferred means of communication and art is the language that binds him to others to open the exchange, the sharing of a moment of truth, of an emotion.
Fascinated by the beauty and richness of the human bond, Jean Uroz seeks to restore its full dimension in his work, paying homage to it in particular through works that he wants to be aesthetically appealing and visually harmonious. This resolute, intentional and primordial quest for beauty is the common thread of all his creation, both in his paintings and in his sculptures.
2019 Jury Prize - Best sculpture, Besançon, France
2013 People's Award - Best painting, Château du Pertusier, Morteau, France
2013 Second prize of the jury - Best painting, Besançon, France
2001 Sculpture Department Best Achievement Award - Corcoran School of Art, Washington DC, USA
2000 Berthold Schmutzhart Award - Washington DC, USA
Découvrez ici une partie du portfolio artistique de Jean Uroz.
L'artiste peintre contemporain suisse d'origine espagnole, en perpétuelle évolution.
Cet aperçu, s'il ne peut présenter toutes les périodes, vous permettra une première découverte du travail de l'artiste.
L'atelier est ouvert au public, sur rendez-vous uniquement.